10 janvier 2015
An unexpected and new visit on the airport platform of Saint-Yan
The afternoon of the end of December, the small group of African executives, in formation to VI Incendie, took advantage of a new visit on the airport platform of Saint-Yan where the last two creations of Airbus Helicopters (previously Eurocopter) had chosen to settle for night.
Both machines, EC 175, are the first ones to be delivered. Landed freshly by Marignane (near Marseille) where the Airbus Helicopters company is based, both yellow helicopters made a stopping place in Charolais, where from they take off again the next day, for Belgium.
Bought by the Belgian company NHV, these helicopters, of a transport capacity of 16 passengers, will be used to forward the employees of groups (as Shell or Total) on maritime platforms.
The new air taxis of the Belgian company NHV (also owner of the helicopters of some French Emergency medical service) will be put into service next week …
Aèrogare - 71600 SAINT YAN
Tél : 33 (0)3 85 70 96 43